I have been trying about a week but I couldn't make a post request to get a result. I tried a bunch of middlewares (exp: 'request', 'axios', 'reqclient','superagent etc..) but I couldn't make it.
Please provide me a simple post request with sending API key and body.
I also read all the documentation.
Please check below to see what I want :
*Authentication API key required.
*O-Auth Scopes trades
*Input One of: user_id + token or user_url is required.
here is my one of try :
const request = require('request-promise')
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: 'api-site.com/Offer/v1/',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise',
'Authorization': 'Basic 123123asdasd123123'
body: {
user_url: "site.com/user/user1234123",
otherparams: "parameter"
json: true
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error ', err.message);
I am getting this output :
Error : 401 - {"status":401,"time":1540458426,"message":"API Key Required"}
I tried some other request post middle-wares and played with content-type (application/json. dataForm, x-www-form-urlencoded) or
changed the location of my API key from header to body or
tried my API key inside of auth{authorization: "API Key"}
tried much more.
the result didn't change. I got the same output or errors.
this is the link that I am trying to do but got stack : check here
Solved ! Everything works great. Problem was I needed to send my API Key base64 string.
Buffer.from("your_api_key_value" + ":", "ascii").toString("base64")