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How to go forward in smart wizard after ajax success

I want to go to the next step if the ajax call is successful, but i am not able to call the smart wizard methods inside the ajax call. My code is here.

var wizard = $("#listing_wizard").smartWizard({onLeaveStep:stepSubmit});

    function stepSubmit(){
      var that = this;
      //that.goForward  ------- working here
      var step_no = this.curStepIdx+1;
      var form_data = $("#step_"+step_no+"_form").serialize();

        url:"<?php echo URL_ADMIN ?>ajax.php",
          return that.goForward; //not working here

I think the problem is here in these "this" so how can I call the smart wizard this.goForward after ajax call


  • If you are using the latest Smart Wizard v4, here is the workaround.

    $("#listing_wizard").on("leaveStep", function(e, anchorObject, stepNumber, stepDirection) {
      var form_data = $("#step_"+ stepNumber +"_form").serialize();
        url:"<?php echo URL_ADMIN ?>ajax.php",
           // indicate the ajax has been done, release the next step
      // Return false to cancel the `leaveStep` event 
      // and so the navigation to next step which is handled inside success callback.
      return false;

    This is already addressed on How to wait ajax done to process next step?
    Also refer the documentation jQuery Smart Wizard 4: Documentation