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How to add Age to the failed Test in Allure?

I have integrated Allure in my framework for reporting test results. Allure has most of the benefits I want. Only what I need help for is, how can I add Age to the failed test. Google search is giving me the Allure capability for @Flaky...but that is not what I want. My particular requirement is, if a test was working fine till 100th jenkins build, and stated failing from 101, till 129 (today), it should show the age as "29 Builds (Or something)" Is there a way to achieve this using Allure ? Or any other jenkins plug-in which do this for me through Allure ?


  • It's impossible to do it with Allure framework right out of the box.

    What you can try to do is to write a piece of code that will make those calculations for you and then you can attach a file to Allure report with your calculations.

    I don't think you are gonna do it so there is also another option, maybe it's good for you.

    Why don't you try to use "Retries" tab or "History" tab instead?

    Retries: enter image description here

    History: enter image description here