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Creating multiple Runtimes in same Liberty server MFP 8.0

Based on the customer requirement we are trying to create 2 different Runtimes in the same liberty server.

Below products are being used, 1.WAS 8.5.5 Liberty 2. MFP 8.0

Please find the scenario tried, Scenario 1 :- step 1 : Created databases sample1 and sample 2 and Created one server profile mfpserver in Liberty step 2 : using Serverconfiguration tool tried to create first runtime configured using sample 1 successfully deployed. step 3 : using Serverconfiguration tool tried to create second runtime configured using sample 2. It was failing with the error BUILD FAILED /home/test/.mobilefirst_platform_server/server-configuration-tool/MobileFirst_Configuration_secondruntime/secondruntime.xml:106: The MobileFirst Server Artifacts is already installed with context root /mfp-dev-artifacts. It cannot be installed multiple times

Scenario 2 :- using ./mfpadm tool there is no commands for adding runtime. Is there any commands related to it?

Is there any other way where i can achieve this ?

Thanks in advance


  • I tried with the server configuration tool. Since the server configuration tool runs every time as a new entry.

    So if you see the samples, you can create your own tagging for the runtime and run the script successfully and you can see multiple runtimes in same server.