Search code examples

Provide limit on Spring Data Mongo repository

Using the latest Spring Data Mongo (2.1.1 at time of writing), how do I specify to get the first record of a "custom" query method? Here is an example:

@Query(value="{name: ?0, approval: {'$ne': null}}",
        sort="{'approval.approvedDate': -1}",
        fields = "{ _id: 1 }")
List<Item> getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name, Pageable pageable);

 * Finds the id of the most recently approved document with the given name.
default Item getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name) {
    return getLatestApprovedIdByName(name, PageRequest.of(0, 1)).stream()

Ideally I could just annotate getLatestApprvedIdByName taking only the String parameter.

There doesn't seem to be a limit field on the annotation.

It seems odd because I can emulate everything the named methods do except findFirst.

Without the Pageable, I get IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException, and returning a List is not acceptable because I don't want to waste time returning an arbitrarily large result, plus the complicated code needing to deal with the possibility of 0 or 1 items.


  • Because your query returns multiple documents, there's no way to make it return a single Item directly.

    Using Stream

    // Repository
    @Query(value="{name: ?0, approval: {'$ne': null}}",
            sort="{'approval.approvedDate': -1}",
            fields = "{ _id: 1 }")
    Stream<Item> getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name);
    // Service
    default Item getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name) {
        return getLatestApprovedIdByName(name).stream().findFirst().orElse(null);

    Due to the way Stream works, you'll only fetch the first query result instead of the entire result set. For more information, please see the documentation.

    Using Page and Pageable

    // Repository
    @Query(value = "{name: ?0, approval: {'$ne': null}}", fields = "{ _id: 1 }")
    Page<Item> getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name, Pageable pageable);
    // Service
    default Item getLatestApprovedIdByName(String name) {
        PageRequest request = new PageRequest(0, 1, new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "approval.approvedDate"));
        return getLatestApprovedIdByName(name, request).getContent().get(0);

    By making use of PageRequest, you can specify how many results you want as well as specify the sort order. Based on this answer.