I am having problems while using other version of JDBC SQLite than this one what is by default in Java. I have added dependendy of this driver to pom.xml and when I use DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:database.db");
then I can not use any special features from this driver because java default one is loaded.
I am trying to use downloaded, upper version of "jdbc:sqlite" driver. I have exported driver's source into my project in intellij using maven but when I am using Class.forName("org.jdbc.sqlite"); (location that is in my project) then it does not work and DriverManager still uses different driver that has lower version. I need the newer version to use ON CONFLICT feature. My problem is that I do not know how to use my own "jdbc:sqlite" driver in my project to create Connection.
Bukkit includes an older version of the sqlite driver. You should use the maven shade plugin (or the gradle shadow plugin) to bundle the new sqlite driver into your JAR and rename it to a new name inside of your JAR (such as by prepending your package's group name followed by ".repackaged.").