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Encoding a String to ISO-8859-1

Is there a way that a can encode my string Olá to Olá in JavaScript? And do this to all accented characters.

My header looks like:

Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1


  • If you already have a proper string, you can do it like this:

    ECMAScript ≥ 6, with Emoji support


    function decimalEscape(s) {
        let buffer = [];
        for(let ch of s) {
            if(ch.codePointAt(0) <= 127) {
            } else {
                buffer.push('&#' + ch.codePointAt(0) + ';');
        return buffer.join('');

    ECMAScript ≤ 5, without Emoji support:

    function decimalEscape(s) {
        var buffer = [];
        for(var i = 0, f = s.length; i < f; ++i) {
            if(s.charCodeAt(i) <= 127) {
            } else {
                buffer.push('&#' + s.charCodeAt(i) + ';');
        return buffer.join('');


    decimalEscape("Olá"); // -> returns "Ol&#225;"

    If you don't have a proper JavaScript string yet (just a bunch of bytes in some kind of buffer or if the string you have is already in the wrong encoding), you will have to fix the string first, of course.