I start with a new R Notebook in RStudio:
title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook
This is an [R Markdown](http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com) Notebook. Etc Etc Etc.
Then I modify it to do what I want -- for example, I'm trying to use microbenchmark()
title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook
Let's compare the sort methods on a set of shuffled integers.
n <- 100000L
Submitting this microbenchmark()
to the console gives sensible output, like:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
sort(sample.int(n), method = "radix") 4.685707 4.914925 6.559412 5.619257 7.539383 16.66746 100 a
sort(sample.int(n), method = "quick") 8.169732 8.534512 10.490920 9.333782 11.008653 21.44854 100 b
sort(sample.int(n), method = "shell") 10.766820 11.144858 15.479061 12.408976 14.519405 133.87898 100 c
However, when I try to knit
it (click the drop-down from "Preview" to "Knit to HTML", it automatically changes my header to:
title: "R Notebook"
df_print: paged
Which really messes up the output -- now it looks like this:
If I go back and change the header back to output: html_notebook
and click the "Knit" button again, now it looks right:
Is there a way to prevent RStudio from messing up my first knit
I'm on RStudio Version 1.1.419 for Windows.
There are two changes happening. First, your html_notebook
format is being changed to html_document:
. Second, the df_print
option is being added.
Basically the first of these is what Knit to HTML
is asking for. html_document
and html_notebook
are different formats, and you're asking to change formats.
Once you're in html_document
format, you probably want df_print: default
instead of df_print: paged
. Or you can just leave out the option.
As far as I can see, there's no way to ask for this, other than changing the source of RStudio (around line 118 in this file: https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/blob/8af730409bb6d651cc8f6816d136bea91441e7a4/src/gwt/src/org/rstudio/studio/client/rmarkdown/model/RmdTemplateData.java).
That's not very practical for most people.
Of course, after you've got the html_document
output format chosen, you can change the option (or just delete it).