I have one form validator example in java script. In this case, Is there any way to check whether the form is dirty or not?
My platform is JavaScript
Please find corresponding sample below, and suggest any solution.
code snipet: i have used like:
if (name.value != name.defaultValue) {
alert("#name has changed");
you have tags as kendo-ui-grid and kendo-validator so I suppose you are using kendo framework. if you want to see if the form is dirty you should check the viewModel in kendo way sample.
basically I've created a viewModel which is impements the ObservableObject interface and has a two way binding with the form's container. Every time you change something in the form the change event is fired in the viewModel which set a variable (dirty) as true.
var dirty = false;
var viewModel = new kendo.data.ObservableObject({
fullname: "test"
viewModel.bind("change", function () {
dirty = true;
kendo.bind($("#tickets"), viewModel);
Add all the fields you need to "watch" in the ObservableObject
and set on their markup the property data-bind="value:fieldName"