Well, my question is to ask how can i add the lwip library to the tool Xilinx SDK to use it in Embedded linux environment. I tried a lot but always debug problems are there. I added this library for example lwip-2.0.2 from the link http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/lwip/
currently i have a Zybo board based on Zynq 7010 and i want to develop an application which can use the protocol TCP/IP.
I looked around a lot but i am not getting the right way to be able to use the lwip stack.
Thanks for your suggestions
LWIP is generally used for bare metal firmware refer this link
When Zynq is running petalinux, you can directly use Linux POSIX TCP/IP stack. E.g TCP Server/Client Linux code
You can select Linux OS in OS Platform and develop Linux application in Xilinx SDK. Linux application using SDK