I want autocommit directory tree with files to svn with java tool.
There are shell and bat script
for /f "tokens=2*" %%i in ('svn status %1 ^| find "?"') do svn add "%%i"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%i in ('svn status %1 ^| find "!"') do svn delete "%%i"
svn commit -m "Automatic commit" %1
echo "processing files to add..."
svn status | grep “^?” | sed -r ’s/^\?[ ]+//’ | xargs -r svn add
echo "processing files to delete..."
svn status | grep “^!” | sed -r ’s/^\![ ]+//’ | xargs -r svn delete
echo "processing commit..."
svn commit
They works, but I want java implementation for these scripts (ANT script, for example). Is there java implementation?
SVNKit is a pure Java SVN library. I'm sure using SVNKit you could re-implement your scripts in Java.
Be careful doing wildcard adds (or explicit, scripted adds), as they will bypass svn:ignore and global ignores.