I change the screenshot quality by change the scale
, for high quality I use the high scale,
it works for quality that the image size will be less than 15MB
and for the higher quality it, not works, actually when the screenshot takes an image by more than 15 MB I can't do anything by that image data.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('body').click(function(event) {
html2canvas(document.getElementById("content"), {
scale: 5.5,
}).then(function(canvas) {
// Export the canvas to its data URI representation
var base64image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
// console.log(base64image);
<img src="` + base64image + `" alt="">
I finally found the solution
It is related to the php.ini
I change PHP.ini
configuration as bellow and know I can take screenshot up to 90 MB
by increasing the scale
If not working please add these codes to functions.php
@ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');