I have 2 packages: controller and federation. Controller just contains controller class with main method, but federation contains 2 classes, Shuttle (parent class) and MiniShuttle (child class). Upcasting works like a charm, but when I try to downcasting, I get ClassCastException.
This is the code I tried:
package federation;
public class Shuttle {
protected int passengers;
package federation;
public class MiniShuttle extends Shuttle {
package controller;
import federation.MiniShuttle;
import federation.Shuttle;
public class Controller {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Shuttle shuttle = new Shuttle();
MiniShuttle mshuttle = (MiniShuttle)shuttle;
if(mshuttle instanceof Shuttle)
System.out.println("not ok");
Because you have instantiated Shuttle
. Declaration new Shuttle()
says that object of type Shuttle
is instantiated, and a reference to this object is Shuttle
(from Shuttle shuttle = ...
If you want to get this to work, use Shuttle shuttle = new MiniShuttle()
. With this you are actually saying "I'm instantiating an object of MiniShuttle
type and upcasting a reference to it to the type of Shuttle