I have some problems in synthesizing an entity which employs the function IS_X(). In particular, the message
[Error] name IS_X is unknown
is shown.
Is it synthesizable?
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity FF2 is
generic(XOUT, XNOUT: std_logic);
port( INPUT, CLK: in std_logic;
OUTPUT, NOUTPUT: out std_logic
end entity FF2;
architecture behavioral of FF2 is
signal temp : std_logic := '0';
if(CLK'event and rising_edge(CLK)) then
temp <= INPUT;
end if;
end process FUNC;
OUTPUT <= XOUT when is_x(temp) else temp;
NOUTPUT <= XNOUT when is_x(temp) else (not temp);
end architecture behavioral;
What do you mean by synthesizable? Using is_x to create hardware should not be supported by a synthesis tool since in hardware there is only 0 and 1, and after synthesis there is nothing that can be created for your code:
OUTPUT <= XOUT when is_x(temp) else temp;
NOUTPUT <= XNOUT when is_x(temp) else (not temp);
OTOH, using is_x in a report statement should be ignored by your synthesis tool (meaning a supported use of is_x to report simulation issues) as it does not create any hardware:
assert not(is_x(temp)) report "captured X on input" severity error;
This is helpful for debug, particularly in statemachine where there is lots of X masking. If your synthesis tool does not accept this, be sure to submit it as a bug to the vendor - and report them here.