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Rails - 4 Custom Asset Path added in application.rb without restart


For font face mentioned below,

@font-face {
  font-family: "Verdana";src: url(/assets/Verdana.ttf) format("truetype");

Location of file is app/assets/fonts (loaded by rails itself)

Now if I have this file in app/assets/fonts/client_4 folder,

I had to add following in application.rb

config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'fonts', 'client_4')


Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/fonts/**/").each do |path|
  config.assets.paths << path

It worked with font-face url provided as url(/assets/Verdana.ttf), but need to restart server to load application.rb


Case is my font file is uploaded by user and stored in newly created client_x folder present in app/assets/fonts directory.

I want to add asset_path in this case for that client_x folder without restarting server. Please suggest.


I added following in controller whenever directory is created,

MyApplication::Application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'fonts', "client_#{}/").to_s

And I checked following in page by erb tag,

= puts MyApplication::Application.config.assets.paths.inspect

And I got following output,

[ 0] "/home/..../app/assets/fonts",
[ 1] "/home/..../app/assets/images",
[ 2] "/home/..../app/assets/javascripts",
[ 3] "/home/..../app/assets/stylesheets",
[ 4] "/home/..../vendor/assets/javascripts",
[20] "/home/..../app/assets/fonts/client_164/",
[21] "/home/..../app/assets/fonts/client_163/"


  1. 20th path is added by application.rb & loaded when server started, I do get font file by asset_url in font-face

  2. 21st path is added by controller and & I do not get font file by asset_url in font-face.

I am not getting if I inspect I can see both path in assets , still I do not get asset url for font files inside client_163 added by controller. I want it without restarting server. Please suggest if eagerload or autoload can help.


  • I could not get exact what I wanted but I found alternative to work with.

    I did not add asset path for sub-directories inside app/assets/fonts/.

    I worked with complete url like "#{APP_URL}/assets/client_#{client_id}/#{self[file]}" which produce url like 'http://localhost:3000/assets/client_163/GreatVibes-Regular.otf'

    Here APP_URL for development is, 'http://localhost:3000' set in development.rb. Similarly added for staging & production.

    Better to keep variable APP_URL in application.yml (implementing figaro gem) & accessing as "#{ENV[APP_URL]}" (note: add application.yml in .gitignore)

    Waiting for better approach.


    In staging & production I am getting font applied for not secure https url so, please help.