How can you access the model property types from within a model extension file (model.js)?
If I try to access I'm able to see the following for a given property:
{ type: [Function: String],
[1] required: false,
[1] description: 'deal stage' }
Why is the type listed as [Function: String]
instead of just "String" or something of the sort?
If I run typeof(property.type)
it returns "function", but if I run property.type()
it returns an empty string.
Disclaimer: I am a co-author and a current maintainer of LoopBack.
Use the following expression to obtain the property type as a string name. Please note it works only for a subset of possible property definitions (see later), most notably it does not support arrays.
const type = typeof property.type === 'string'
? property.type
: property.type.modelName ||;
The long version
LoopBack allows the property type to be defined in several ways:
{type: 'string', description: 'deal stage'}
. You can use a model name as the type too, e.g. {type: 'Customer'}
.{type: String, description: 'deal stage'}
. You can use a model constructor as the type too, e.g. {type: Customer}
.{type: {street: String, city: String, country: String}
Read more in our documentation: LoopBack types
To better understand how to process different kinds of property definitions, you can check the code in loopback-swagger that is converting a LoopBack model schema into Swagger Schema (which is similar to JSON Schema):
The function getLdlTypeName
takes a property definition (slightly normalized by buildFromLoopBackType
) on the input and returns the property type as a string name.
exports.getLdlTypeName = function(ldlType) {
// Value "array" is a shortcut for `['any']`
if (ldlType === 'array') {
return ['any'];
if (typeof ldlType === 'string') {
var arrayMatch = ldlType.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
return arrayMatch ? [arrayMatch[1]] : ldlType;
if (typeof ldlType === 'function') {
return ldlType.modelName ||;
if (Array.isArray(ldlType)) {
return ldlType;
if (typeof ldlType === 'object') {
// Anonymous objects, they are allowed e.g. in accepts/returns definitions
// TODO(bajtos) Build a named schema for this anonymous object
return 'object';
if (ldlType === undefined) {
return 'any';
var msg = g.f('Warning: unknown LDL type %j, using "{{any}}" instead', ldlType);
return 'any';