Starting to learn NASM assembly, I was looking at some assembly questions here in Stack Overflow and found this one here: Concatenating strings from registers and printing them
I believe that this question is not duplicated because I am trying to replicate the code in NASM and also things were not very clear in the other question.
I decided to replicate this code in NASM, but I did not quite understand the MASM code in question.
I learned about CPUID
and did some testing programs.
In order, I'd like to know how we can concatenate registers and then print them on the screen USING NASM.
I want to print 'ebx' + 'edx' + 'ecx' because this is how the CPUID
output is organized by what I see in GDB.
I called CPUID
with eax=1
"String" is not a very precise term. The Vendor Identification String of CPUID/EAX=0 contains only 12 ASCII characters, packed into 3 DWORD registers. There is no termination character like in C nor a length information like in PASCAL. But it's always the same registers and it's always 3*4=12 bytes. This is ideal for the write-syscall:
section .bss
buff resb 12
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 0
mov dword [buff+0], ebx ; Fill the first four bytes
mov dword [buff+4], edx ; Fill the second four bytes
mov dword [buff+8], ecx ; Fill the third four bytes
mov eax, 4 ; SYSCALL write
mov ebx, 1 ; File descriptor = STDOUT
mov ecx, buff ; Pointer to ASCII string
mov edx, 12 ; Count of bytes to send
int 0x80 ; Call Linux kernel
mov eax, 1 ; SYSCALL exit
mov ebx, 0 ; Exit Code
int 80h ; Call Linux kernel