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Aggregate datatable with percentage for grouped elements dc.js

How to display failure % in the data table? I have the following csv and I am calculating the percentage of failures for each "name" field , I want to display the total failure percentage for each "name" in datatable

Customer | year| Week |Failure_Reason|     name        |    Type  |   Count 
A         2018  29      D              Express Air        PR         27
A         2018  26      M              Express Air        PR         58
A         2018  26      D              Domestic                      5
A         2018  27      N              Domestic          SPEED       29
A         2018  30    Missed           International     PR          11
A         2018  32      N              Domestic          PR          53

Code for the dimesion and group:

        var ndx= crossfilter(data);
        var all= ndx.groupAll();  
        var CTypedim=ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d["name"]+ ',' + d["Customer"];})

        var percentFailures =
        function(p, v) {
             p.counter+= Number(v.count);
             p.failures += Number(v.Failure_Reason != 'N' ? v.count : 0);
             p.failPercent = p.counter ? p.failures/p.counter : 0;
             return p;
         function(p, v) {

             p.counter-= Number(v.count);
             p.failures -= Number(v.Failure_Reason != 'N' ? v.count : 0);
             p.failPercent = p.counter ? p.failures/p.counter : 0;
             return p;
         function() {
             return {
                 counter: 0,
                 failures: 0,
                 failPercent: 0

        .group(function(d) { return "" })
            function(d) { return d.Customer; },
            function(d) { return d.year; },
            function(d) { return d.value.failpercent*100; },
            function(d) { return; },

        .sortBy(function(d){ return d.year; })

Need to display aggregated datavtable as follows:

Customer | Year| Failure%|     name        |    
A         2018      100%     Express Air       
A         2018      5.7%       Domestic     
A         2018      100%      International       



  • You're on the right track, keep going!

    You'll need to use the aggregated fields in your table:

            function(d) { return d.key.split(',')[1]; }, // customer part of multikey
            function(d) { return d.year; },
            function(d) { return d.value.failPercent*100; }, // capitalize consistently
            function(d) { return d.key.split(',')[0]; }, // name part of multikey

    Using the year is problematic! Because once you aggregate, you don't really know what year each aggregated value represents - and it may represent multiple years. If you can drop that column, I recommend it.