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CoreData migrations without versioning

Right now I use versioning to make any changes in a database. But it brings some problems. For example it's hard to merge a feature branch with a new db version into a master/dev where somebody also added a new version.

So my question: Is it safe to change db in a single xcdatamodel without adding new versions? I tried so and it works but everywhere on the internet I see warnings that you must not do that.


I found this: but it's without a proof


  • As @pbasdf noted, since iOS 9 you can do a lightweight migration without adding any new model version. Source model (previous model version) is cached to store and used as a last ditch effort during lightweight migration.

    I am using this feature in my own apps successfully. Although I was not able to find this documented. Just that WWDC video (18'15 Model Caching) mentioned. This is exactly the reason why Core Data is so mysterious sometimes..