Hello I am very new to the programming world and data science as well, and I am trying to work my way through it.
I am trying to assign values to the column in a data frame and using for loop such that the data frame is divided into ten groups and every row in every group is assigned a rank, such that row 1 to 10 is assigned as rank 1 and row 11 to 20 is assigned as rank 2 and so on. The original dimension of subset data set is 100 * 6
My data frame looks like Data Frame
The codes I have written are:
x <- round(nrow(subset) / 10)
for(j in 1:10){
for(i in a:x){
subset[i, "rank"] = j
j = j + 1
a = x + 1
x = x * j
However, the loop runs infinitely and keeps on adding additional rows to the data frame. I had to manually stop the loop and the resulting dimension of the subset data frame was 17926 * 6.
Please help me understand where am I going wrong in writing the loop.
P.S. subset is a data frame name and not the subset function in R
Thanks in Advance !!
It might be better for you to start working with vectorized calculations instead of loops. This will help you in the future.
For example:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:100)
df$rank <- (df$x-1)%/%10 + 1
results in:
x rank
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 4 1
5 5 1
6 6 1
7 7 1
8 8 1
9 9 1
10 10 1
11 11 2
12 12 2
13 13 2
14 14 2
15 15 2
16 16 2
17 17 2
18 18 2
19 19 2
20 20 2
21 21 3
22 22 3
23 23 3
24 24 3
25 25 3