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Using Integer Array in postgres with Spring-boot

I am attempting to accept from the browser a List and use this within a SQL query to a postgres database. I have the following code snippet that tries to show the function that I have made todo this. Some of the variables have been changed in case there appears to be discrepancies.

static public List<Map<String,Object>> fetch(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, List<Integer> id){
    List<Map<String,Object>> result= new ArrayList<>();
    String sql = "select * from lookup where id && ARRAY[ :ids ]";
    MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    parameters.addValue("ids",id, Types.INTEGER);
    result= jdbcTemplate.query(sql,
            new RowMapper<Map<String,Object>>() { ...

The lookup tables id field is a postgress array hence me needing to use && and the array function

This function is called by many different endpoints and passes the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate as well as a list of Integers. The problem I am having is that if any integer in the list is < 100 I get the following message

Bad value for type int : {20}

Is there another way of doing this or a way around this error ?


It appears it was part of the problem mentioned as the answer but also using


instead of



  • There's an error I can see in the SQL, and probably the wrong choice of API after that. First in the query:

    select * from lookup where id && ARRAY[ :ids ]

    To bind an array parameter, it must not be placed in the ARRAY constructor, but rather you need to use JDBC binding like this:

    select * from lookup where id && ?

    As you've noticed I'm not using a named parameter in these examples, because NamedParameterJdbcTemplate does not provide a route to obtaining the java.sql.Connection object or a proxy to it. You can access it through the PreparedStatementSetter if you use the JdbcOperations interface instead.

    public static List<Map<String,Object>> fetch(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, List<Integer> idlist){
        List<Map<String,Object>> result= new ArrayList<>();
        String sql = "select * from lookup where id && ?";
        final Integer[] ids = idlist.toArray(new Integer[0]);
        PreparedStatementSetter parameters = new PreparedStatementSetter() {
            void setValues(PreparedStatement stmt) {
                Connection conn = stmt.getConnection();
                // this can only be done through the Connection
                java.sql.Array arr = conn.createArrayOf("integer", ids);
                // you can use setObject(1, ids, java.sql.Types.ARRAY) instead of setArray
                // in case the connection wrapper doesn't pass it on to the JDBC driver
                stmt.setArray(1, ids);
        JdbcOperations jdo = jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations();
        result= jdo.query(sql,
                new RowMapper<Map<String,Object>>() { ...

    There might be errors in the code, since I normally use a different set of APIs, and you need a try-catch block for java.sql.SQLException in that setValues function, but you should be able to handle it from here on.