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Unable to load jquery using require.js

Just for fun, I want to load jquery using require.js. So, I made the following:


define(["jquery-3.3.1"], function($) {
    console.log(typeof $);              // reports undefined
    $("h1").html("Hello from AMD");     // causes TypeError (see below)

My HTML file is really simple and just has a blank <h1> element and the usual require.js definition.

<script data-main = "amd" src = "require.js"></script>

Also, my root folder, where everything is, also contains the jquery-3.3.1.js source file.

You may see the whole example code here on my github repo. Ignore all files except:

  1. amd.html
  2. amd.js
  3. jquery-3.3.1.js
  4. require.js

However, when I access the page, whether using the file:/// protocol or using a web server, the module is not loaded and I see a blank page.

The console reports undefined for the console.log statement, and reports the following exception for the second statement where I access the jQuery object/function, and it is what gets returned from the module.

TypeError: $ is not a function

I am using jquery version 3.3.1. If you look at the source of this (and any) version of jquery, it is well known that jquery is a function object. See below:

From the jQuery source

define( [
], function( ..., ..., ... ) {

    jQuery = function( selector, context ) {

        return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );

    return jQuery;


  • Did you enter 'jquery' into your requirejs config?

        baseUrl: 'js/lib', // path to your source
        paths: {
            jquery: 'jquery-3.3.1' // invoke

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