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How to capture the server used to fulfill a request when incoming traffic is using Load Balancer URL?

I have a Spring Boot Java REST application with many APIs exposed to our clients and UI. I was tasked with implementing a Transaction logging framework that will capture the incoming transactions along with the response we send.

I have this working with Spring AOP and an Around inspect and I'm currently utilizing the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects to obtain a lot of the data I need.

From my local system I am not having any issues capturing the server used since I'm connecting to my system directly. However, once I deployed my code I saw that the load balancer URL was being captured instead of the actual server name.

I am also using Eureka to discover the API by name as it's only a single application running on HAProxy.

Imagine this flow:

 UI -> https://my-lb-url/service-sidecar/createUser

 HAProxy directs traffic to -> my-lb-url/service-sidecar/ to one of below:

 Goal  : http://my-server-1:1235/createUser
 Actual: https://my-lb-url/createUser

Here is the code I am using to get the incoming URL.

 String url = httpRequest.getRequestURL().toString();
 if(httpRequest.getQueryString() != null){
      transaction.setApi(url + "?" + httpRequest.getQueryString());
 } else {


I am not as familiar with HAProxy/Eurkea/etc. as I would like to be. If something stated above seems off or wrong then I apologize. Our system admin configured those and locked the developers out.


This is the new code I am using to construct the Request URL, but I am still seeing the output the same.

// Utility Class

public static String constructRequestURL(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {

    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(httpRequest.getScheme());

    int port = httpRequest.getServerPort();
    if(port != 80 && port != 443) {

    if(httpRequest.getPathInfo() != null) {
    if(httpRequest.getQueryString() != null) {
    return url.toString();

// Service Class



  • I found a solution to this issue, but it's not the cleanest route and I would gladly take another suggestion if possible.

    1. I am autowiring the port number from my application.yml.
    2. I am running the "hostname" command on the Linux server that is hosting the application to determine the server fulfilling the request.

    Now the URL stored in the Transaction Logs is accurate.


    private int serverPort; 
     * ... 
    private String constructRequestURL(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
        StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(httpRequest.getScheme())
        if(httpRequest.getPathInfo() != null) {
        if(httpRequest.getQueryString() != null) {
        return url.toString();
    private String findHostnameFromServer(){
        String hostname = null;"Attempting to Find Hostname from Server...");
        try {
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"hostname"});
            try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))) {
                hostname = reader.readLine();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(CommonUtil.ERROR, e);
        }"Found Hostname: {}", hostname);
        return hostname;