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Trigger Event When focus out in Textarea

I am trying to trigger an event when textarea focus is out. I have tried to use (blur) also. When I use (focusout) the method was trigger. But [(ngModel)] value saved as [object FocusEvent]

This is my component.html

div class="form-input">
<textarea class="form-textarea" rows="2"  [(ngModel)]="measurementPoint.Comment"   (focusout)="updateMeasurementPointComment($event, component.Id, measurementPoint.CompartMeasurementPointId)">

This is my component.ts

 updateMeasurementPointComment(comment: string, inspectionDetailId: number, compartMeasurementPointId: number) {
    this._service.updateMeasurementPointComment(inspectionDetailId, compartMeasurementPointId,comment ).subscribe(r => {
      if (r.m_Item1) {
        this._notify.success('Saved', r.m_Item2);
      } else {
        this._notify.alert('Couldn\'t Save', r.m_Item2);
    }, err => {
      this._notify.alert('Error', 'Unable to update the measurement comment. Please contact support for help. ');

This is Out Put---------

enter image description here


  • JUST NEED TO CHANGE THE METHOD HERE.... REPLACE THE $EVENT WITH [(ngModel)] value. Now it is perfectly work. Thank you everyone. :)

    div class="form-input">
    <textarea class="form-textarea" rows="2"  [(ngModel)]="measurementPoint.Comment"   (focusout)="updateMeasurementPointComment(measurementPoint.Comment, component.Id, measurementPoint.CompartMeasurementPointId)">