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Compass heading - multiple rotations

I am currently prototyping a web app which is using the compass heading in a browser. This is a value ranging from 0 ~ 360.

Whenever i do a full rotation the value jumps from 360 back to 0. I cannot figure out how i can get it to increase from 360 to for example 720 on the second rotation.

What piece of math magic am i missing?


This is my code

        if ('ondeviceorientationabsolute' in window) {
            window.addEventListener('deviceorientationabsolute', handleOrientationAbsolute);
        } else if ('ondeviceorientation' in window) {
            window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', handleOrientation);

        function handleOrientationAbsolute(e) {
            alpha = Math.round(360 - e.alpha);

        function handleOrientation(e) {
            alpha = Math.round(e.webkitCompassHeading);

        function update() {
            headingEl.innerHTML =  alpha; //This value should be able to return higher than 360


  • I'll steal a technique from Mario Kart.

    Have, around your circle, certain thresholds. You need to divide the circle into at least 3 groups. (Let's say you're using the 120° points.) Store which group you're in (e.g. 0, 1 or 2), and every so often check which group you are in. If you change between 0 and 1, or 1 and 2, just store that. But if you change between 2 and 0, increment or decrement a counter.

    This will allow you to return values greater than 360°.