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Pandas: reshaping dataframe by splitting columns in a column and a variable

I have the following dataframe that I am trying to melt:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2014', periods=4)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.eye(4, ), index=dates, columns=['A_var1', 'A_var2', 'B_var1', 'B_var2'])

             A_var1  A_var2  B_var1  B_var2
2014-01-01     1.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
2014-01-02     0.0     1.0     0.0     0.0
2014-01-03     0.0     0.0     1.0     0.0
2014-01-04     0.0     0.0     0.0     1.0

I want to obtain the following:

            type    var1    var2  
2014-01-01   A      1.0     0.0    
2014-01-01   B      0.0     0.0    
2014-01-02   A      0.0     1.0     
2014-01-02   B      0.0     0.0  
2014-01-03   A      0.0     0.0    
2014-01-03   B      1.0     0.0
2014-01-04   A      0.0     0.0     
2014-01-04   B      0.0     1.0

Any idea on how to do that efficiently? I know I can use the melt function but I can't get it to work in that context.

Many thanks,


  • You could use stack on multi-indexed columns.

    In [304]: df.columns = df.columns.str.split('_', expand=True)
    In [305]: df.stack(0).reset_index(1)
               level_1  var1  var2
    2014-01-01       A   1.0   0.0
    2014-01-01       B   0.0   0.0
    2014-01-02       A   0.0   1.0
    2014-01-02       B   0.0   0.0
    2014-01-03       A   0.0   0.0
    2014-01-03       B   1.0   0.0
    2014-01-04       A   0.0   0.0
    2014-01-04       B   0.0   1.0