I am trying to mock IHeadersDictionary and whenever I try to access it I returns Null.
public interface IRequestScopeContext
IHeaderDictionary Headers { get; set; }
ISessionInfo SessionInfo { get; set; }
HttpContext HttpContextInfo { get; set; }
public void Setup()
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Key", "Value"}
} as IHeaderDictionary;
var sessionInfo = new SessionInfo
AccountId = "AccountId",
UserId = "UserId",
requestScopeContext = new Mock<IRequestScopeContext>();
requestScopeContext.Setup(x => x.Headers).Returns(headers);
requestScopeContext.Setup(x => x.SessionInfo).Returns(sessionInfo);
serviceProvider = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();
serviceProvider.Setup(sp => sp.GetService(It.Is<Type>((Type t) => t.Name.Equals("IRequestScopeContext")))).Returns(requestScopeContext.Object);
httpContextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
httpContextAccessor.Setup(x => x.HttpContext.RequestServices).Returns(serviceProvider.Object);
I also tried using
requestScopeContext.Setup(x => x.Headers.Add( "Key", "Value"));
but whenever I access requestScopeContext.Headers
it returns me null.
How should I mock this dictionary ?
My TestMethod is this
public void SessionHelper_InvokeConstructor_Should_ReturnValidObject()
var sessionHelper = new SessionHelper(httpContextAccessor.Object);
And this is the piece of code I am testing.
public SessionHelper(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
IRequestScopeContext requestScopeContext = (IRequestScopeContext)httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IRequestScopeContext));
currentAccountId = requestScopeContext.SessionInfo?.AccountId;
currentUserId = requestScopeContext.SessionInfo?.UserId;
requestId = requestScopeContext.Headers?["key"];
As @Iurii Maksimov mentioned, your casting is incorrect - there is no direct cast between Dictionary<string, string>
and IHeaderDictionary
, use this instead:
var headers = new HeaderDictionary(new Dictionary<String, StringValues>
{ "Key", "Value"}
}) as IHeaderDictionary;