With Android/Java you can use something like this
myEditText.setError("This field cannot be blank");
to show an error message/hint for the entered text in an EditText
Is there anything similar for Unity's InputField
in C# or do you have to make your own (e.g. with a text that auto-vanishes after 5 seconds)?
Is there a commonly used design/layout to show a message like that in Unity/Windows games?
No, but you can make your own!
Add a new add a GameObject as a child to the GameObject your InputField is attached to. You can edit this GameObject however much you want, but just adding a UnityEngine.UI.Text should be fine, and make sure that the new GameObject is not active by defualt.
Now add a script to the GameObject with your InputField, and add something like this to it:
public void OnStoppedEditing(string text) {
if (text == "") {
errorText.text = "This field cannot be blank";
public void Start() {
//adds a listener that runs OnStoppedEditing when you stop editing myField
myField.onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate {OnStoppedEditing(myField); });
myField = gameObject.getComponent<InputField>();
errorText = errorWindow.getComponent<Text>();
public GameObject errorWindow;
Text errorText;
InputField myField;
make sure that you add "using UnityEngine.UI;" to the top of the script
Save the script and apply errorWindow to the child GameObject that you created!
Please note that I didnt test this code (I dont have access to a pc with unity right now) so if it has any errors just ask :)