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I want to change my icon's color on start menu In UWP

I want to change My uwp Apppackage's the color of Start menu icon.

for example)


1's color is light blue, but 2's background color is black.

like that, I want to chnage my uwp app's start menu icon's color to transparent.

I used totally transparent image, but my app's Start menu background color is Blue. Besides, when i drag to make a desktop icon, the image is totally shortened.

like this

ex.img(blue) (ex: blue image)

ex_desktop_icon (ex: desktop icon)

So I searched about this, and I found something.

That is I have to make a installer file or edit the visualElements.

But I can't find the way to solve exactly this problem.

Is there any suggestions? if you know anything about this, Please let me know.

Thank you for reading this.


  • The accent color of your system is blue, that is why you have blue tiles and Start menu icons.

    The accent color can be set in Settings, see Change desktop background and colors.

    So, if you use non-transparent PNGs in Assets, you have tiles and Start menu icons with solid background colors, like Microsoft Samples and Blend for Visual Studio 2017 in the screen capture you provided.

    For the shrunk desktop icon, it is because you have not provided high-resolution PNGS in Assets.

    Further read Icon types, locations, and scale factors on the various icons and scale factors you will need to set.