My version: Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production
CREATE TABLE DUMMY1 (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, doc1 VARCHAR2 (200) , doc2 VARCHAR2 (200), CONSTRAINT dummy_json1 CHECK (doc1 IS JSON) , CONSTRAINT dummy_json2 CHECK (doc2 IS JSON));
INSERT INTO DUMMY1 VALUES (1, '["12345", "23456", "34567"]', '["ABCD", "EFGH"]’);
select ID, t1.*, t2.* from DUMMY1 d,
json_table(d.doc1, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t1, json_table(d.doc2, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t2 WHERE t1.x = ‘12345' AND t2.x='EFGH’;
Returns one record
select ID, t1.*, t2.* from DUMMY1 d, json_table(d.doc1, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t1, json_table(d.doc2, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t2 WHERE t1.x = '23456' AND t2.x='EFGH’;
Returns no row.
select ID, t1.*, t2.* from DUMMY1 d, json_table(d.doc1, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t1, json_table(d.doc2, '$[*]'
columns (x VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$')) t2;
---------- ---------- ----------
1 12345 ABCD
1 12345 EFGH
1 23456 ABCD
1 23456 EFGH
1 34567 ABCD
1 34567 EFGH
Did I miss anything?
What I was trying to do is that I have a table where 2 of its columns are JSON array, I want to return a result where the 2 given values exist in the JSON array, is there any better way to do this? (since the way I am doing is cross join)
I would avoid the cross-product and use something like the following...
FROM dummy1
WHERE json_exists (
'$[*]?(@ == "23456")')
AND json_exists (
'$[*]?(@ == "EFGH")');