I'm struggling to come up with a superpower parser for the set of partial inputs below (nested, balanced parentheses with '|' separator).
Arbitrary text can go inside the parens, including whitespace, other tokens, and "()". Only '|', '(', ')', should have special meaning here (a newline would also end the sequence). To be valid, each balanced, parenthesized group must have a '|' and at least one character that is not '(' or ')'.
Ideally the parser would split each input into a list, with elements either a (terminal) string, or an array of strings, as follows:
(a|) -> { "a", "" }
(a | b) -> { "a", "b" }
(a | b.c()) -> { "a", "b.c()" }
(aa | bb cc ) -> { "aa" "bb cc" }
(a | b | c #dd) -> { "a", "b", "c #dd"}
((a | b) | $c) -> { { "a", "b" }, "$c" }
((a | b) | (c | d)) -> { { "a", "b" }, { "c", "d" } }
(((a | b) | c) | d) -> { { { "a", "b" }, "c" }, "d" }
(a bc)
My tokens (for the purposes here) are as follows:
public enum Tokens
[Token(Example = "(")]
[Token(Example = ")")]
[Token(Example = "|")]
[Token(Description = "everything-else")]
This was tricky, mostly because of the whitespace you need to preserve, but I was able to come up with a parser that meets your needs. First, I had to alter your Tokens
enum slightly:
public enum Tokens
[Token(Example = "()")]
[Token(Example = "(")]
[Token(Example = ")")]
[Token(Example = "#")]
[Token(Example = "$")]
[Token(Example = "|")]
[Token(Example = ".")]
[Token(Example = " ")]
Next, we can build the following Tokenizer
var tokenizer = new TokenizerBuilder<Tokens>()
.Match(Span.EqualTo("()"), Tokens.OpenCloseParen)
.Match(Character.EqualTo('('), Tokens.LParen)
.Match(Character.EqualTo(')'), Tokens.RParen)
.Match(Character.EqualTo('#'), Tokens.Hash)
.Match(Character.EqualTo('$'), Tokens.Dollar)
.Match(Character.EqualTo('.'), Tokens.Dot)
.Match(Character.EqualTo('|'), Tokens.Pipe)
.Match(Character.EqualTo(' '), Tokens.Whitespace)
.Match(Span.MatchedBy(Character.AnyChar), Tokens.String)
.Match(Numerics.Natural, Tokens.Number)
Next, create model classes to hold the output (you can probably think of better names for these, as I'm not sure really what this data is that you are parsing):
public abstract class Node
public class TextNode : Node
public string Value { get; set; }
public class Expression : Node
public Node[] Nodes { get; set; }
Then we create the parsers:
public static class MyParsers
/// <summary>
/// Parses any whitespace (if any) and returns a resulting string
/// </summary>
public readonly static TokenListParser<Tokens, string> OptionalWhitespace =
from chars in Token.EqualTo(Tokens.Whitespace).Many().OptionalOrDefault()
select chars == null ? "" : new string(' ', chars.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Parses a valid text expression
/// e.g. "abc", "a.c()", "$c", etc.
/// </summary>
public readonly static TokenListParser<Tokens, Node> TextExpression =
from tokens in
// if this side of the pipe is all whitespace, return null
select (Node) (
tokens.All(x => x.ToStringValue() == " ")
? null
: new TextNode {
Value = string.Join("", tokens.Select(t => t.ToStringValue())).Trim()
/// <summary>
/// Parses a full expression that may contain text expressions or nested sub-expressions
/// e.g. "(a | b)", "( (a.c() | b) | (123 | c) )", etc.
/// </summary>
public readonly static TokenListParser<Tokens, Node> Expression =
from leadWs in OptionalWhitespace
from lp in Token.EqualTo(Tokens.LParen)
from nodes in TextExpression
.Or(Parse.Ref(() => Expression))
from rp in Token.EqualTo(Tokens.RParen)
from trailWs in OptionalWhitespace
where nodes.Length > 1 && nodes.Any(node => node != null) // has to have at least two sides and one has to be non-null
select (Node)new Expression {
Nodes = nodes.Select(node => node ?? new TextNode { Value = "" }).ToArray()
And finally we can use the tokenizer along with the parsers to parse your input:
string input = "(a b | c.())";
var tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(input);
var result = MyParsers.Expression.TryParse(tokens);
if (result.HasValue)
// input is valid
var expression = (Expression)result.Value;
// do what you need with it here, i.e. loop through the nodes, output the text, etc.
// not valid
This works for pretty much all of your test cases except the ones like this (()|())
where the open/close paren is the value on either side of a pipe. There is also probably a better way to do some of the parsing, as I'm just getting used to Superpower myself, but I think this is a good base to start with so you can optimize it and/or integrate all your edge cases into it.
It was the whitespace that was messing everything up. I had to add more whitespace checks within the Expression
parser, and also had to add a condition to check for a non-empty TextExpression
and then also check for one that may be empty. This was to handle cases where one side of the pipe is blank. Here is the working parser:
public readonly static TokenListParser<Tokens, Node> Expression =
from _1 in OptionalWhitespace
from lp in Token.EqualTo(Tokens.LParen)
from _2 in OptionalWhitespace
from nodes in
TextExpression.Where(node => node != null) // check for actual text node first
.Or(TextExpression) // then check to see if it's empty
from _3 in OptionalWhitespace
from rp in Token.EqualTo(Tokens.RParen)
from _4 in OptionalWhitespace
where nodes.Length > 1 && nodes.Any(node => node != null) // has to have at least two sides and one has to be non-null
select (Node)new Expression {
Nodes = nodes.Select(node => node ?? new TextNode { Value = "" }).ToArray()