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Bullets won't shoot out of barrel

I am working on a shooter game and I have a problem with bullets position (now are centered). How to change bullets position like on this image (+rotation): wrong bullets position.

My example (, controls: mouse, left button to shoot):

var ctx = game.getContext('2d');
var sprite = new Image;
sprite.src = "";
var player = {
  x: game.width / 2 - 250 / 2,
  y: game.height / 2 - 213 / 2,
  width: 250,
  height: 213,
  rotation: 0,
  vx: 0,
  vy: 0
var mouse = {x: 0, y: 0};
var angle = 0;
var bullets = [];

setInterval(function() {
  // bullets update
  for (var a = 0; a < bullets.length; a++) {
    var bullet = bullets[a];

    bullet.x += bullet.vx;
    bullet.y += bullet.vy;
  // player update (rotate)
  angle = Math.atan2(mouse.y - (player.y + player.height / 2), mouse.x - (player.x + player.width / 2));
  player.rotation = angle * (180 / Math.PI);

  // draw
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);

  // draw player (+rotate);
  ctx.translate(player.x + player.width / 2, player.y + player.height / 2);
  ctx.rotate(player.rotation * Math.PI / 180);
  ctx.drawImage(sprite, -player.width / 2, -player.height / 2, player.width, player.height);

  // draw bullets
  for (var e = 0; e < bullets.length; e++) {
    var bullet = bullets[e];

    ctx.fillRect(bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.width, bullet.height);
}, 1000 / 60);

window.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
  mouse.x = e.pageX;
  mouse.y = e.pageY;

window.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
    width: 25,
    height: 25,
    x: player.x + player.width / 2 + (50 * Math.cos(angle)),
    y: player.y + player.height / 2 + (50 * Math.sin(angle)),
    vx: Math.cos(angle) * 7 + player.vx,
    vy: Math.sin(angle) * 7 + player.vy,
<canvas id="game" width="640" height="480" style="border:1px solid;">

Can someone explain why this is happening and how I can fix this. Thanks in advance!



  • You need to add some "offset" (that is on your bullets.push) to start at right location:

    Here is my attempt to put it on the right place, Also I changed your bullets to circles.

    var ctx = game.getContext('2d');
    var sprite = new Image;
    sprite.src = "";
    var player = {
      x: game.width / 2 - 250 / 2,
      y: game.height / 2 - 213 / 2,
      width: 250, height: 213,
      rotation: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0
    var mouse = {x: 0, y: 0};
    var angle = 0;
    var bullets = [];
    window.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
        radi: 3,
        x: player.x + player.width / 2 - 5 / 2 + (100 * Math.cos(angle+0.5)),
        y: player.y + player.height / 2 - 5 / 2 + (100 * Math.sin(angle+0.5)),
        vx: Math.cos(angle) * 7 + player.vx,
        vy: Math.sin(angle) * 7 + player.vy,
    setInterval(function() {
      // bullets update
      for (var a = 0; a < bullets.length; a++) {
        var bullet = bullets[a];
        bullet.x += bullet.vx;
        bullet.y += bullet.vy;
      // player update (rotate)
      angle = Math.atan2(mouse.y - (player.y + player.height / 2), mouse.x - (player.x + player.width / 2));
      player.rotation = angle * (180 / Math.PI);
      // draw
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
      // draw player (+rotate);
      ctx.translate(player.x + player.width / 2, player.y + player.height / 2);
      ctx.rotate(player.rotation * Math.PI / 180);
      ctx.drawImage(sprite, -player.width / 2, -player.height / 2, player.width, player.height);
      // draw bullets
      for (var e = 0; e < bullets.length; e++) {
        var bullet = bullets[e];
        ctx.arc(bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.radi, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    }, 1000 / 60);
    window.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
      mouse.x = e.pageX;
      mouse.y = e.pageY;
    <canvas id="game" width="640" height="480" style="border:1px solid;">