Parent element(x-app tag) displaying child1(x-counter),child2(child2-app) elements and whenever there is any change in child1, I would like to update it to child2 as well. So, in the parent I am trying to get the property of child 2 using querySelect but I am getting null value.
ready(){ super.ready();
this.b = e.detail;
const val = document.querySelector('x-app');
val.a = this.b;
static get template(){
return html`
Here parent x-app
element property share example:
static get template(){
return html`
<x-counter my-property = "{{myProperty}}" ></x-counter>
<child2-app my-property = "{{myProperty}}" ></child2-app>
and below is the x-counter
elements inside need to declare (also you need to do the same at child2-app
in order to two-way data binding between two child elements).
use the same property decleration at both x-counter
and child2-app
static get properties() {
return {
myProperty: { // my-property will be myProperty (camelCase syntaxt at child)
notify:true //notify will alove up-side (from child to parent) data bind
So you have myProperty at both child element if you change myProperty element inside of a child this will be effected at other. But be aware, if you use as an object
or array
of this property. then you may need extra code for obserable changes at both element. example: this.notifyPath('');
EDIT: Below demo made with lit-element