My issue needs a bit of explanation. I try to keep it as short possible without missing important aspects. So already thanks to everyone who reads this through until the end.
perform a GET request with several query parameters as filters
The example request will retrieve a list of parentResource
that belong to a certain area AND have the key-value pair API_KEY=123CBA321
in their child entity's list (the list itself is also a child entity of the child entity, for brevity let's call it KV_list).
Using Querydsl I got this working so far, but there is one thing I couldn't solve myself:
The issue is that querydsl probably behaves as expected 1 when using AND conjunctions. What I need to achieve is, that the filter on KV_list only returns a truthy BooleanExpression/Predicate if the actual KV-pair exists.
KV_list table contains following records:
| id | key | value | foreign_key |
| UUID1 | API_KEY | 123CBA321 | childEntityFK |
| UUID2 | KEY2 | XYZ987 | childEntityFK |
| UUID3 | OTHER_KEY | NNN | childEntityFK |
While you would expect the GET request from above to work, the following shouldn't return anything, as the KV-pair doesn't exist:
1 unfortunately, querydsl simply checks if there is a key=KEY2
AND a value=NNN
and then returns a truthy predicate.
The model looks like:
Parent <--1:n--> ChildEntity <--1:n--> KV_Entity
simple conjunction of key and value:
directly call eq method on KV-object:
several flavours of the approaches mentioned above
I'm really stuck and would appreciate any help/hints. Thanks in advance!
frameworks/libraries being used:
I dont know the full context of your question. Maybe you can create a virtual key (Hash).
That contains var_key
and var_value
Then you can use
To search for kvEntities