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"Unable to mount internal sd card" after rom flashing

Phone: LeTv Le 2

ROM: AOSP Extended

Guide Followed While Flashing TWRP and Magisk:

Problem: Everything was fine until I tried Downloading an apk using chrome and it couldn't find storage/emulated/0 and none of the apps were able to access storage..

So I fired up ADB and $ adb shell gave me a list of folders with no storage folder.

~ # ls boot init.recovery.service.rc selinux_version cache init.recovery.usb.rc sepolicy charger license service_contexts data oem sideload default.prop persist supersu dev proc sys dsp property_contexts system etc recovery tmp file_contexts res twres firmware root ueventd.rc init sbin usbstorage init.rc sdcard init.recovery.hlthchrg.rc seapp_contexts

I realised I had no /storage/emulated/0 folder.

I tried reflashing the rom, it didn't make a difference. I tried flashing a different ROM, no result.

I tried to open the folder sdcard, it says 'sdcard' is not mounted.

I tried mounting it using adb but it didn't work. I tried symlinking storage/emulated/0 to sdcard, no results.

How to I get my sdcard back/mount it?


  • IDK what the issue was but it got resolved by flashing Graphene Kernel.

    Here's what I did:

    1. adb reboot bootloader
    2. adb reboot bootloader fastboot oem unlock

    fastboot oem unlock-go fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.2.1-0-s2.img fastboot format userdata

    1. Flashed the ROM.
    2. Fasjed Gapps
    3. Flashed MAgisk.

    Reboot Phone.

    1. Flashed :