I want to check if a userform is loaded or not while running a code. I tried several ways, no-one is working. I remember I did that before, but I can't recall my workaround. Any idea?
I found some solutions here and other places, they also was not working!
The issues are …
Here are my Tries:
Public Function IsFormVisible(FrmName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errorH
IsFormVisible = False
Set Frm = UserForms(FrmName)
If Not Frm Is Nothing Then IsFormVisible = True
End Function
IsFormVisible = False
End Function
Public Function IsFormVisible(FrmName As String) As Boolean
Dim Frm As UserForm
On Error GoTo errorH
IsFormVisible = False
For Each Frm In VBA.UserForms
If Frm.Name = FrmName Then
IsFormVisible = True
Exit Function
End If
IsFormVisible = False
End Function
Here are two simple options. First, you could declare frm
as Object
Public Function IsFormVisible(FrmName As String) As Boolean
Dim Frm As Object
On Error GoTo errorH
IsFormVisible = False
For Each Frm In VBA.UserForms
If LCase$(Frm.Name) = LCase$(FrmName) Then
IsFormVisible = True
Exit Function
End If
IsFormVisible = False
End Function
Or second, you could use TypeName
instead of .Name
Public Function IsFormVisible(FrmName As String) As Boolean
Dim Frm As UserForm
'On Error GoTo errorH
IsFormVisible = False
For Each Frm In VBA.UserForms
If lcase$(TypeName(Frm)) = lcase$(FrmName) Then
IsFormVisible = True
Exit Function
End If
IsFormVisible = False
End Function
I've made both of these case insensitive.