I have an objective to make a component, that renders cards with nested ul tags like this:
from data like this, that's being passed down with props from a parental component:
For that I set markers at the end of the lines where the nested ul should start, e.g. ":" when the nested ul should open and "." when the nested ul should close. But to make this code work, I need to render opened, but not closed tags.
let inUl = false;
<div className="cardBody">
{props.body.map((el, index) => {
inUl = true;
return <li>{el}<ul>
} else if(inUl && el.endsWith('.')){
inUl = false;
return <li>{el}</li></ul>
} else {
return <li>{el}</li>
Any help will be greately appreciated, I've a close deadline, and right now I'm literally stuck on the last part of the project - this.
But to make this code work, I need to render opened, but not closed tags.
This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how React works. You use tags in the source code to define elements, which are objects. You can't have an opening tag without a closing tag any more than you can have an opening {
for an object initializer without a closing }
Instead, you have a component that you pass children to, and it renders the children within its component. E.g.:
const UnorderedList = props => <ul>{props.children}</ul>;
...which is used like this (i.e., in a render
return <UnorderedList><li>...</li><li>...</li></UnorderedList>;