a need parse son from alfresco API, but I have problem with two slashes in URL model address. How can I get value from "prejimka.stavHodnoceni"? Can anyone help me ?
My javascript:
var nazevSlozky = null;
var result = remote.call("/api/metadata?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/7d2eab73-9500-406a-bdb0-40209924b2d2");
var json = JSON.parse(result);
var nazevSlozky = json.properties.{http://ourFirm.cz/model/someFirm/3.0.}prejimka.stavHodnoceni;
JSON: My json
Try json.properties['sf:prejimka.stavHodnoceni'] where "sf" is the model abbreviation.
Also, I don't think you want to use punctuation in your property names. I'm not sure it is expressly forbidden but it seems like a bad idea.