I have basic webgl app with Unity3D 2017 where im using webcam texture to display webcam feed on the screen. Here is the code im using to request webcam permission:
yield return Application.RequestUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam);
if (Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam))
Debug.Log("webcam found");
startWebCam ();
Debug.Log("webcam not found");
And here is the code to render webcam feed on a plane that users see.
void startWebCam() {
WebCamDevice device = WebCamTexture.devices[0];
cam_texture = new WebCamTexture (device.name);
camera_renderer.material.mainTexture = cam_texture;
cam_texture.Play ();
It works fine in editor but does not work when i export a webgl build. It does ask for permission to use webcam and then the green light beside my laptop camera turns on but all i can see is black screen. However, the was one time when I think i refreshed twice or something, the webcam feed appeared. I have not been able to reproduce it after that.
Would appreciate any help here. Thanks.
Got the issue resolved. The problem was that autoplay is forbidden on Webgl apps (at least on chrome). So all i had to do is ask user to tap on screen before starting webcam. Fixed.