I'm trying ask the user to input the floors of a hotel and have them input the number of rooms on each floor and then the rooms of those that are occupied. If i inputted in that I had a total of two floors in my hotel and for the second floor I inputted that it had 20 rooms in total, then my system output would return the 20 rooms. I'm trying to see if there's anyway of a summation for all of my inputs or something that would do a similar job so I could get the actual answer. Also, I'm a very new beginner so I'll try to understand any any comments, but I might not. Thanks!
Scanner keyboard= new Scanner(System.in);
int numfloors;
int numrooms=0;
int totalrooms=0;
int occupiedrooms=0;
int number=1;
int secnumber=10;
System.out.println("How many floors are in your hotel?");
while(number<=numfloors && numfloors>1)
System.out.println("How many rooms are on floor"+number+"?");
System.out.println("How many of those rooms are occupied?");
System.out.println("The hotel has "+totalrooms+" total rooms");
System.out.println("The hotel has "+occupiedrooms+" total occupied rooms");
System.out.println("The hotel has "+(numrooms-occupiedrooms)+" vacant rooms");
System.out.println("The hotel has an occupancy rate of %"+(occupiedrooms/numrooms));
Use +=
. For example:
int a = 10; // a is 10
a += 5; // a is 15 (This line is equal to a = a + 5)
a *= 2; // a is 30 now (same as a = a * 2)