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Execute HTTP requests in by-pass order

What I would like to achieve is to execute synchronously an ordered sequence of HTTP requests, but depending on the value of some variables, I want some of them to be by-passed.

As an example (I am using the request library in Javascript to do so):

request(httpReq1, function(error, response, body) {
  // do something, like handling errors...
  request(httpReq2, function(error, response, body) {
    // do something else

So this ensures that httpReq2 will execute after httpReq1.

What I am not sure is how to by-pass the first request if, for example, some flag is set to false, and instead of executing httpReq1 and wait for a response, it just jumps to httpReq2, keeping the order:

if (dontMakeHttpReq1) // where should this be placed?

request(httpReq1, function(error, response, body) {
  // do something, like handling errors...
  request(httpReq2, function(error, response, body) {
    // do something else

What would be a good approach to solve this?


  • Sort out a list of requests needed in an array, and execute them sequentially using the async/await

    let requests = [];
    if (doRequest1)
    if (doRequest2)
    /* etc .. for httpReq3 and so on */
    // now execute them one by one in sequence
    for(let req of requests) {
       try {
         await request(req);
       } catch (err) {
         // error handling here