I have this Pojo:
private long id;
private String name;
private String tagUuid;
private boolean archived;
private DateTime creationDate;
private Integer count;
public Tag() {
public Tag(long id, String tagUuid, String name, boolean archived, Timestamp creationDate, Integer count) {
this.id = id;
this.tagUuid = tagUuid;
this.name = name;
this.archived = archived;
this.creationDate = new DateTime(creationDate);
this.count = count;
This is my result set mapper:
public class TagMapper implements ResultSetMapper<Tag> {
public Tag map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return new Tag(
How can I fetch from the database one column less. For example in some queries I fetch only tagUuid and name and not the other fields. But if I do this I get this exception: org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.ResultSetException: Exception thrown while attempting to traverse the result set. I tried to create a addtional Tag Constructor without the other parameters.
This is the query I try to run:
@SqlQuery("SELECT t.id, t.tag_uuid as tag_uuid, t.name, t.archived, t.creation_date FROM tags t WHERE t.tag_uuid = :tag_uuid LIMIT 1")
public Tag fetchTagByUuid(@Bind("tag_uuid") String tagUuid);
You can just return the extra column in your query SQL.
@SqlQuery("SELECT t.id, t.tag_uuid as tag_uuid, t.name, t.archived, " +
"t.creation_date, 0 AS count FROM tags t " +
"WHERE t.tag_uuid = :tag_uuid LIMIT 1")
public Tag fetchTagByUuid(@Bind("tag_uuid") String tagUuid);