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Google code-prettify Code highlighting not working for Polymer 3

How to use Google code-prettify in Polymer 3?

The syntax highlighting is not working. Sample code below:

class MyView1 extends PolymerElement {
    static get template() {
        return html` 
      <style include="shared-styles">


       <script src=""></script>

                <pre class="prettyprint">
                    <code class="language-java">
                        public static void getValue(){

                            String name = "Vikram";


I have added a working sample at where the code can be edited and run as well.


  • This library is working in an old way and doesn't play well with ShadowDom. Instead you should use a library like Highlight.js which is available as a module. In polymer 3 first import the library with your specific language

    import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/highlight';
    import java from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/java';
    hljs.registerLanguage('java', java);

    then highlight your element with


    here a working example :