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Elm : Pass value to outgoing port from the update function

I have an update function that adds an Answer to a Question

Once the question has been updated with an answer, I'd like to send it to an outgoing port, while also updating my model.

port emitQuestion : Question -> Cmd msg

update msg model =
  AnswerQuestion answer ->
    case model.question of
      Nothing ->
        ( model, Cmd.none)

      Just question ->
          updatedQuestion = 
            { question | answer = Just answer }
          ( { model | question = updatedQuestion } , Cmd.none)

How could I pass updatedQuestion to emitQuestion in this scenario ?


  • You define the outgoing port signature, but without a body, like this:

    port questionUpdated : Question -> Cmd msg

    (assuming that you have an Question type or alias; your question didn't specify)

    Then, in the calling javascript, you define your port handler after calling Elm init:

    var app = Elm.Main.init({ node: document.querySelector('main') })
    app.ports.questionUpdated.subscribe(function(data) {
      // your javascript for handling updated question

    To pass that new question value to the port on update, just pass it in the second value of the return type from update:

    ( { model | question = updatedQuestion } , questionUpdated updatedQuestion )