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How to get a SELECT DISTINCT on a SelectMulti query in ServiceStack OrmLite?

I'm trying to get a distinct result set of tuples, but the Distinct never gets added to query.


  List<Tuple<Alpha, Beta>> results;

  var q = dbConn.From<Alpha>()
          .Join<Alpha, Beta>((a, b) => a.Id == b.AlphaId)
          ... more joins and Wheres

  results = dbConn.SelectMulti<Alpha, Beta>(q);

Adding the SelectDistinct, or not, make no difference to the outputted SQL and hence results.

How do I get SelectMulti to work with Distinct?



  • I've just added support for this in this commit where if .SelectDistinct() is used in the SqlExpression<T> then it will execute the SQL query using SELECT DISTINCT, e.g:

    var results = dbConn.SelectMulti<Alpha, Beta>(q.SelectDistinct());

    This change is available from v5.4.1 that's now available on MyGet.