Search code examples

Document response classes with Swagger and ServiceStack

In the petstore example from wordnik they have provided documentation for their response classes. An example can be seen on the /pet/{petId} endpoint:

Pet {
    name (string, optional),
    id (integer, optional): foo,
    category (Category, optional),
    photoUrls (array[string], optional),
    tags (array[Tag], optional),
    status (string, optional) = ['available' or 'pending' or 'sold']: pet status in the store

It looks like it supports the following parameters:

  • optional (flag that specifies if the property will always be in the response)
  • allowed values
  • description

Is there a way to accomplish this with the ServiceStack implementation?


  • Here's what the ServiceStack Swagger implementation currently supports, as of version 3.9.59:

    • Optional: only nullable value types are described as optional. Other than that, there is currently no support for explicitly defining which properties in the request/response body are optional. For path or query string parameters, you can control optionality using ApiMemberAttribute
    • Allowed values: enum types will automatically get a list of allowed values. For other types (e.g. a string property with a predefined set of values), annotate the property with the ApiAllowableValues attribute
    • Description: use the System.ComponentModel.Description attribute

    Make sure your request DTO implements the IReturn<ResponseDtoType> interface.

    The following is probably the closest approximation to the Petstore example I can think of, given the current ServiceStack Swagger implementation:

    public class Pet
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int? Id { get; set; }
        public Category Category { get; set; }
        public List<string> PhotoUrls { get; set; }
        public List<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
        // If "Status" is implemented internally as a string
        [Description("pet status in the store")]
        [ApiAllowableValues("Status", "available", "pending", "sold")]
        public string Status1 { get; set; }
        // If you can implement "Status" as an enum, the allowable values
        // are instead automatically documented:
        [Description("pet status in the store")]
        public Statuses Status2 { get; set; }
        public enum Statuses { available, pending, sold }

    The only property in that DTO that will get marked as optional is Id.