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How to insert images to bodytext in tx_news using ckeditor in TYPO3 8.7.X

I am trying to add the ability to add images using the rte_ckeditor_image plugin in the news plugin. I have done all the steps described in the manual (creating an RTE folder, adding a code fragment to the ext_localconf.php file) but the possibility of adding photos is still missing.

I am doing something wrong or the plugin of the news will not handle it?

P.S. Is there any way to run the rte_ckeditor_image ext globally or do I have to configure each plugin separately?


  • I'm using the following configuration and it works well even in news:


    # Load default processing options  
        # Import default RTE config (for example)
        - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Full.yaml" }
        # Import the image plugin configuration
        - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor_image/Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml" }
    # Add configuration for the editor
    # For complete documentation see!/api/CKEDITOR.config
        removePlugins: null
            allowedExtensions: "gif,jpg,jpeg,png,svg"

    in ext_localconf.php:

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['default'] = 'EXT:my_extension/Configuration/RTE/FullAndImage.yaml';

    I never configured CKEditor especially for news.

    Still one tip: if you upgraded TYPO3 and still have PageTS for the old editor rte_htmlarea then it's the best just to delete the old configuration. It's able to mess some things up in the new editor rte_ckeditor. I don't know if someone verified which old parameters are disturbing or have which impact in the new editor, therefore just deleting of old configuration is the simplest solution.