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How is non-blocking IO actually works from client's perspective?

So I came across the idea of blocking and non-blocking I/O. But what I understood from the concept and some of the sample implementations is that we implement code on the server side to achieve this nature of the code.

But now my question is, if (for example postman sending HTTP request to the server) the request has to wait for the server to respond, then what's the point of non-blocking I/O? (Please correct me if I am wrong) Or the whole concept is just for the increase of throughput of the server instead of actual async nature w.r.t. to client.

For example, in one of my project what I did was created a post request to create a request in the system for processing which will return the transaction ID, now using this transaction id, I can query the server to know the outcome.

I may sound too naive, but the concept has confused me a lot. I do not understand this concept clearly. Please help.



  • the request has to wait for the server to respond, then what's the point of non-blocking I/O?

    There's a confusion. Waiting for a response and (non)blocking i/o are very loosely related. You always have to wait for response. That's why youve made the request to begin with. But the question is: how?

    Non-blocking HTTP: "Dear server, here's my request, please process it and send me a response, I'm going to do something else in the meantime, like calculating n-th digit of Pi (I'm a weirdo)".

    Blocking HTTP: "Dear server, here's my request, please process it and send me a response, I'm going to patiently wait for it doing nothing".

    Or the whole concept is just for the increase of throughput of the server instead of actual async nature w.r.t. to client.

    The whole concept is to be able to do other things while waiting for i/o at the same time. And to do that while minimizing the usage of threads which don't scale well.

    Asynchronous systems, i.e. systems without "I'm going to wait idly" part tend to perform better at the cost of complexity.

    Side note: nonblocking i/o can be used both on the server side and client side. For example almost all JS engines in browsers are built on top of some asynchronous engine. JS is often single-threaded, meaning nonblocking i/o is necessary to achieve any concurrency.