I need to use where clause while searching for records with particular PID in my cassandra database
id = uuid
pid= Property Id (text)
created_at = timestamp
I need to find the top 5 records of a particular property Id. So my create table looks like this.
CREATE TABLE property_tax (
id uuid,
state text,
area text,
balance_type text,
created_at timestamp,
created_by text,
last_paid_at timestamp,
max_tax float,
min_tax float,
pid text,
prev_balance float,
prev_interest float,
property_type text,
tax_cess float,
tax_year timestamp,
total_paid float,
total_paid_cess float,
total_paid_tax float,
PRIMARY KEY (pid,created_at,id)
and my query looks like this
select * from property_tax where pid = 'property1' ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 5;
Its working as per my requirement but is my approach correct? or does it need to change. Is there any performance issue which can arise in future. I am looking at 500 million records and growing.
I have added two column 1.state 2.area There will be multiple areas in the state
Property ID(pid) will have multiple records not more than 100 records
So, I need to query TABLE property_tax for below
1. Find all the pid
2. find all the pid in the area
3. find all the pid in the state
4. find Limit 5 for pid (ORDER_BY created_at DESC)
Many Thanks Shashi
If your always going to make the query that way add WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (created_at DESC);
so you don't need to reverse order read (a bit more efficient). But thats a good query for that table.
Given its 500 million pid's you mean that will work well. If its 500 million id's within a single pid you might end up with a very wide partition which has performance impacts.