Am working on Angular version 6.
And I am using Less for styling.
In Angular previous Versions, I had to include less main file in angular_cli.json file and that worked perfectly for me.
In latest Angular 6 version we have a file called angular.json and I did the same thing. I have added the main.less file inside styles: [].
But the issue that I am facing is that for some reason when my watcher is running it compiles main.less file alone. Imported LESS files are compiling only when I restart the watcher.
I found the solution for this. Run this command
npm install --save-dev less-loader@3.0.0
and I add this in angular.json
"schematics": {
"@schematics/angular:component": {
"styleext": "less"
This allowed Angular to generate less files by default.
Thank you :-)